Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
This company which is one of the leading producers of food and beverage ingredients as well as goods made from various agricultural products has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 7.2% over the last 60 days.
Archer Daniels Midland Company Price and Consensus

Midland States Bancorp (MSBI)
This financial and bank holding company has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 1.9% over the last 60 days.
Midland States Bancorp, Inc. Price and Consensus

Truck (USAK)
This company which is engaged in the transportation of general commodity freight in interstate and foreign commerce has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 5.8% over the last 60 days.
USA Truck, Inc. Price and Consensus

Whirlpool (WHR)
This company which is one of the largest manufacturers of home appliances in the world has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 5.6% over the last 60 days.
Whirlpool Corporation Price and Consensus

AMN Healthcare Services (AMN)
This travel healthcare staffing company has seen the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 4.5% over the last 60 days.
AMN Healthcare Services Inc Price and Consensus